Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Wee Bit O' Freebie Fun & Environmental Concerns.

Today I saw "The Count" floating down Sesame Street. For the first time I noticed this amiable vampire was dressed like an old-fashioned banker. Can anyone say "Typecasting?"
anyway........... today the Folkes Family took yet another trip to Sesame Place. We pass CVS on the way, and I had to pick up a script. I didn't have time to work out a sparkling CVS scenario, but since I had to drive the car past the store, I figured why not indulge in a little "Freebie Fun?" (My CVS is actually in walking distance. If I use the car to go there, I prefer doing whatever I can to maximize the worth of the trip.) The obvious shopping choices were these: Buy 2 Coppertone sunscreen sticks for $4.98 each, and receive $10 ECBs. Buy Physician's Formula Mascara for $7.99, receive $7.99 ECB's.

On another note, there was a two-day sale on the 24 pack cases of CVS's house brand water. DH insisted we re-stock our water supply, so I picked up 4 cases of water at $2.99 a case, and a CVS pill container on a key chain for $4.99. I applied a "$3 off when you buy $15 of CVS Brand Products" coupon to the transaction, then paid for the balance with $10 ECB's and $3.00 cash. Still.....I'm seriously looking for a good deal on a Pur water pitcher. I'm sick of paying for bottled water, and I'm ready to filter our tap water and pour it into a few re-usable, portable bottles, myself. This is not just about saving money....the Folkes Family needs to do our share to preserve our environment. Let's face it: "The Powers that Be" can not recycle all the plastic we Americans throw into those recycling bins. Everyone needs to cut down on the use of plastics. Reducing the use of disposable water bottles would not be a bad start. Mrs. Folkes is old enough to remember when no one purchased water in bottles, anyway. How it has come to be that American citizens need to treat our drinking water supply as if it was unfiltered swill from a Third World Country, I'll never know. If water can not be considered safe enough for general consumption in each of our 50 states, then it's a crying shame. Perhaps the citizenry needs to reexamine it's priorities.


Wanderer247 said...

Again, great stuff, Mrs. Folkes.
This is the beginnings of a book. Frugality in these times is essential . Other Folks would be eager to read your money-savings tips.
Good read. Thanks.

Wanderer247 said...

PS - There are water tests one can but to test their 'tap' water.
Federal regulations require tap water to be safe for consumption. The bottled craze is mostly that. I go into fast food restaurants and get my cup here and there from their fountain machines.

Anonymous said...

Stop buying bottled water - your tap water is perfectly safe - put a jug in the fridge - when will people stop buying into this crazy stuff - bottled water is NOT frugal or environmental safe !!